A proposal speech is what you say when you ask someone to marry you. It’s the moment when you tell them how much they mean to you and ask them to spend the rest of their life with you. Actually, this speech is important because it reveals your real feelings, emotions and the love you have in your heart. Making your proposal speech unforgettable means finding the right words that will touch your partner’s heart, creating a moment they’ll always remember. In this post, I’ll share tips on how to make your speech special and full of love.
Prepare In Advance
Don’t wait until the last minute to think about what to say. Sit down and start writing your thoughts. When you prepare ahead, you’ll feel more confident and less nervous. You might also want to plan your engagement proposal along with your speech, using the best tips to make it memorable.

Write It Down
The best thing to say when you propose is something personal, heartfelt, and true to your relationship. Here’s a list of simple topics to help you write a good proposal speech.
Start with a greeting
It is nice to start with a simple, natural and loving greeting because it gives a warm and personal vibe. Just begin with their name or something cute like ‘Hey, my love’ or ‘Hi, beautiful.’ It doesn’t look like a big thing, but it helps indicate right from the beginning that this time is different.
The first time you met
Talk about when you both met and how you felt. This reminds your partner of the beginning of your journey together and also shows how meaningful that moment was for you.
Why you love them
Show your partner what you love about them and the way they make you feel. Maybe it’s their kindness, sense of humour or how they always support you. In addition, let them know how much their qualities mean to you making them special.
Special moments together
You might want to bring up a favourite memory or experience that you both enjoyed as a way of showing how much your time with them means to you. These are the times that brought you two closer and strengthened your relationship even more. Maybe it was a trip you went on or just an evening back at home that felt amazing.
How they’ve changed your life
Talk about the ways they’ve changed you or brought happiness into your world. Maybe they’ve taught you to see the good in every situation or helped you become a better person. Also, share how your life feels more complete with them in it and how much you appreciate having them by your side.
Your future together
Let them see that you are thinking not only about the present but also about your future together, whether that’s to get a house, have kids or simply grow old side by side. Explain how wonderful it will be to tackle the challenges of life together, supporting each other through whatever it throws at you.
Why you want to marry them
Explain why life just wouldn’t be the same without them and how they make your life better every day. Also, tell your partner what you admire about them and why you believe you’re perfect together.
Add a little humour
If you have a small joke in your proposal speech, then it can be enough to break the ice and get rid of your nerves. A little humour can release the pressure and make the occasion a bit lighter and more intimate. Of course, you don’t need to be a comedian, just include a fun moment or joke that makes you both smile.
The big question
The most important part of your proposal speech is the big question. After sharing your feelings and telling your partner how much they mean to you, look them in the eyes and ask, “Will you marry me?” It’s a powerful moment, so don’t feel like you need to add too many words. Simple is better. Explore here the best places to pop the question to add extra meaning to your speech.

Edit and Organise Your Thoughts
Once you’ve written down your ideas for your proposal speech, take some time to edit and organise them. Start by reading what you’ve written and see if it flows well. After that, make sure your words are simple and easy to grasp. You don’t need to use fancy words, simple and honest words are often the most powerful.
Try to keep the main points in order: talk about your love for your partner, why you want to spend your life with them and end by asking the big question. Look for areas that have become a bit confusing or too long and simplify them. Doing this will ensure your speech is both clear and sincere.
Keep It Simple And Short
When writing your proposal speech, you don’t need to use fancy words to show how you feel. Make it simple and use short sentences. Do not use complicated words to show off. Speak from your heart in a way that feels completely natural. Keep your speech concise and when the time comes just let your emotions guide you.

Practising your proposal speech is really important. You will feel more comfortable and confident when you propose if you say the words out loud. Practice by yourself in front of a mirror, or even with a friend if you want some feedback. That way, you can practice how your words sound and ensure you’re saying everything you want to. Additionally, this is going to help you see your sticking points or areas that might trip you up.
Practising helps you relax so you’re not too nervous. It also makes sure you remember the important points, so if you get emotional or nervous, you won’t lose track. The more you practice, the smoother and more natural your speech will sound when you propose.
Be Yourself
The most important thing is to be true to who you are. You don’t have to follow a script or sound perfect to impress your partner. Speak the way you normally do and let your personality shine. The words will sound more genuine and your partner will feel the love behind them. It’s okay if you stumble over your words or get emotional. Your partner loves you for who you are and that is sufficient to make the moment special.

What To Say Instead Of “Will you marry me?”
When it comes to making your marriage proposal speech unforgettable, sometimes it helps to be creative with the way you ask the big question. Instead of the traditional “Will you marry me?”, you can choose words that feel more personal and meaningful to your relationship. Here are a few ideas.
“Will you be my partner in everything for the rest of our days?”
“Would you do me the honour of being by my side forever?”
“Will you take this journey through life with me?”
“Can we build our future together, starting today?”
“Will you join me on this amazing adventure called life?”
“Do you want to make our dreams come true together?”
“Will you make our love story the best one ever?”
“Can I be the one who makes you happy every day?”
“Will you stand by my side and grow old with me?”
“Will you let me be the person you call home?”
“Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”
“Can we start a new chapter together as a couple?”
“Will you let me be the one you wake up next to every morning?”
“Will you let me be the one to hold your hand through life?”
“Do you want to be my everything?”

Should You Memorise Your Speech?
Memorising what you will say can make you relax, and ensure that important details won’t be forgotten. As much as planning every word you say feels like it will be beneficial, memorisation also has its disadvantages.
It can feel less natural
If you’re too focused on remembering every word, then your speech might sound like you’re reading from a script. Speaking from the heart is more important than saying everything perfectly.
You can forget the lines
When you’re nervous, it’s easy to forget what you memorised. If this happens, you might feel even more stressed.
Feel the moment
Focus on how you feel and your emotions instead of worrying about saying everything right. Don’t worry if you don’t say everything exactly as planned. The most important part is that your words come from the heart, not from a script.

What If You Are Not A Speech Person?
Not everyone feels comfortable giving a speech, especially during a big moment like a proposal, and that’s okay. Do not worry, in case you feel nervous while speaking. There are still many ways to make your proposal unforgettable. You don’t have to say a lot of words to show how much you care. Here are some tips to help you express your feelings without stressing out.
Be honest
It’s okay to be yourself. Your partner loves you for who you are, not for how many words you can say. If you feel nervous, share that feeling. Saying something like, “I’m a bit nervous, but this is important to me,” can make it feel more personal.
Keep it simple
You don’t need to say a lot. A few heartfelt sentences can be just as powerful. You can say something like, “I love you more than anything, and I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?” Simple, but full of meaning.
Put it on paper
If you feel more comfortable with words on paper, then write down what you want to say. You can even practice it a few times to feel more confident.
Show your love in actions
Most of the time, actions do speak louder than words. You could plan a special moment or do an activity that really shows your partner how much they mean to you. Whether it’s a picnic, a walk in a favourite park, a romantic dinner, or revisiting the place you first met, your effort will say a lot.
Use a keepsake
You can make your proposal special by including something sentimental such as a photo album, a favourite song or even just going somewhere that has some meaning to you both. Let those things speak for you and set the mood.

Don’t Use Common Marriage Proposal Lines
When planning your proposal speech, it’s easy to think of using common proposal lines like “Will you marry me?” or “You’re the love of my life.” While these phrases are sweet, they have been heard many times before. After all, if you want your proposal to be unforgettable, better write it in your own words. Let your own feelings take over and say what you really feel, instead of copying phrases.
What Not To Say When Proposing?
When you’re proposing, there are a few things you should avoid saying to make sure the moment stays special and meaningful. Here are some examples of what not to say.
Do not insult
This is an extremely important time, so do not say anything that might hurt your partner’s feelings like making fun of their habit or looks. Keep it kind and loving.
Don’t talk about past relationships
Bringing up exes or comparing your partner to someone else is a big no. Focus only on your current relationship and how much it means to you.
Don’t talk about the past in a negative way
Avoid bringing up past mistakes or problems. This is a time to focus on your future together. When you say things like “I know we’ve had our ups and downs”, you can change the mood in the wrong direction.
Don’t make it about yourself
A proposal is about both of you, not just one person. Avoid saying things like “I think I’m ready now,” which puts the focus on you. Instead, make it about your relationship and how much your partner means to you.
Don’t pressure them
Avoid putting pressure on your partner or making them feel uncomfortable. Saying things like “You better say yes” or “I’ve planned this whole thing, so don’t mess it up” can make the moment feel forced.
Stay away from money talk
Proposing is about love, not finances. Don’t talk about how much the ring cost or mention anything related to money.
Don’t make it sound like a favour
Saying things like, “I guess it’s time to settle down,” or “I think it’s the right thing to do,” makes it seem like you’re not really excited. You want your partner to feel like you truly want to marry them.
Stay away from common or cliché lines
Try not to use the same lines everyone else uses. While “Will you marry me?” is classic and timeless, adding a little bit of personalisation can make the moment even more special.

To sum up, making your marriage proposal speech unforgettable doesn’t have to be complicated. Speak from the heart using your own words and just be you. Show your partner how much they mean to you by sharing your feelings honestly. Practice a little to feel confident, and don’t worry about being perfect, just be genuine. You can create a lovely memory that you both will treasure forever with these easy tips!
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